
I was fortunate to have been educated at the University of Tennessee’s School of Architecture, a program that promoted modern architectural expressions. My design capabilities sensitivities and capabilities were expanded when I attended the University of Pennsylvania and the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris, and I was fortunate to work during my time in Philadelphia at the influential firm of Venturi, Scott Brown & Associates. With those experiences, I gained a more pluralistic approach to architecture and urban design.

I design as an informed and responsible modernist. I seek solutions that not only solve serious programmatic requirements but equally honor the character and essence of the client, be it a person or an institution. In addition, I carefully study the location and heritage of the project site and attempt to discover environmental priorities and guidelines that allow my designs to respond to place. My work has ranged from residential to commercial and institutional design, and from large and small commissions including sacred spaces, parks, and memorials.

My core design beliefs include the following:

  • Believe in placemaking, the establishment of spaces that inform and inspire.
  • See and embrace opportunities to provide depth in meaning through symbolic, project and site-specific expressions.
  • Agree fully with Louis Kahn’s observation that, “Architecture must have the religion of light, a sense of light as the giver of all presences.”
  • Committed to sustainable strategies to ensure that structures use energy and resources in a comprehensive, conservative manner.
  • Strive to create spaces that respond to all human senses and human proportions to embrace and expand the human condition.
  • Respond to the natural world in a strategic manner, recognizing its beauty and wonder.
  • Be fascinated with new technologies, systems, and techniques, yet recognize that these should be carefully evaluated and integrated with care.
  • Share career satisfaction that comes from working with clients, consultants, and builders, solving design challenges and creating new environments.
  • Believe the future of the built environment holds both great promise and serious, complex challenges. Be an optimist yet a realist as well.
  • Be competent in presenting and working with students and younger designers, always aware of the immense duty and responsibility that a mature architect should possess.
  • Remember that architecture should be not only shelter but inspired sculpture.